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Classroom Etiquette

As for every educator in the world, September holds a special place in the calendar. Preparations, setting up classrooms, meeting new children, starting new projects... It is a very dynamic time of year.

One of my greatest struggles, up until I discovered this poster, was with setting up the right message and mood with the usual "Classroom Rules". We all know the unquestionable importance of boundaries and guidelines for children especially if they are joining for the first time. But the usual: eyes that see, listening ears, keep arms and feet close, walking in a line... didn't quite capture the message I wanted and needed to send to this new budding partnership filled with new discoveries and experiences.

Last school year I tried with this poster for the first time. To help us connect we explored the meaning of the phrases: team, being positive, respect, trying, making good choices, kindness, honesty, listening, working hard, encouragement, importance. We also read the poster every day as a part of our morning circle. What I noticed the most was a general change in children's spirit while reciting it. They reacted more positively and it carried through later in our activities. It helped with shaping and nurturing our mindset to be open and positive both towards ourselves and towards others.

Naturally, I am using it again this school year. Only for this school year I am adding a small yoga exercise to it. So far it showing to be a great combination. Children are very excited about it and always make sure we don't skip any of the steps.

Happy New School Year to all :D

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