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Birds - continuation

Children interests vary and we can describe them as eclectic. They often interrupt their own explorations with new ideas but they also return to the initial ones. Such was the situation with the birds and it only accents the importance of being flexible and creative when following children's interests.

Here we present activities on the topic "Birds" according to the dominant developmental area:


We painted birds one day. The children choose which bird they would like to paint. The birds they painted are our most common little birds found among us.


The preschool should strive to ensure that each child develop their ability to build, create and construct using different techniques, materials and tools.


We are talking about big and small birds. We measure the largest and the smallest bird we have in Sweden. We use, ruler and ourselves.


The preschool should strive to ensure that each child develop their ability to use mathematics to investigate, react over and test different solutions to problems raised by themselves and others, develop their ability to distinguish, express, examine and use mathematical concepts and their interrelationships, develop their mathematical skill in putting forward and following reasoning

Knowledge & Understanding of the World

We make food for the birds so they can handle the winter.

We are buying sunflower seeds, coconut fat.

We melt the fat and pour into sunflower seeds.

We have saved milk cartons, and we have cut out small windows.

We fill the carton with the mix.

Then we hang out the cartons in our trees at preschool


The preschool should strive to ensure that each child develop their interest and understanding of the different cycles in nature, and how people, nature and society influence each other,

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